• Ring Buffer

    Lets say you want to keep track of the last 20 touch events to happen on your page or app, or want to track updates to your database so if something goes wrong you have a record of the last operations that happened to help debug the problem.

  • Object IDs

    There are plenty of times where you have an object and would like to uniquely identify it, either to aid in debugging or to use the Unique ID (UID) as a lookup key. While extending built-in types is generally not a good idea, doing so to aid development and debugging is a worthwhile exception.

  • Remote Debugging

    While remote debugging is becoming a feature supported in browsers, getting it up and running is still not a simple task - especially when the remote browser is not directly accessible to you. If all you need is access to the remote console, using JSConsole is an easy way to create a remote connection. This gives you enough access to print out the state of the current app/site and look at the state of the DOM.

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